Corporate Services firmly believes that Health and Safety is an aspect of management equal in importance to any other management function. The company expects all Managers and Supervisors to consider Health and Safety as part of their normal duties and responsibilities, to prevent injury and ill health.
Middle and Junior Management will be accountable to their appropriate Senior Manager and ultimately, to the Managing Director for maintaining Corporate Services Health and Safety standards at their workplace. Their performance with regard to Health and Safety will be monitored and will be considered as part of their overall monthly performance appraisal. Details of their duties and responsibilities are contained in the Health and Safety Management System.
Corporate Services requires all its employees to co-operate with the management of the company to achieve legal compliance and meet our own Health and Safety standards. Employees are reminded not to take risks which could affect their own or other persons’ Health and Safety. Any breaches of the Company Health and Safety Policy / Rules will result in strict corrective action.
All employees have a written copy of their duties and responsibilities as contained in the Health and Safety Management System.
The prime function of the Health and Safety Management system is to assist Corporate Services in ensuring the overall safety of our staff, our clients and the public and in meeting our Health and Safety Objectives. Health and Safety Managers are ultimately responsible to the Managing Director for the provision of a professional and comprehensive Health and Safety service to the organization, including the development, implementation, monitoring and review of Corporate Services Health and Safety Policies.
As part of our overall Health and Safety arrangements, suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to Health and Safety will be undertaken for all tasks performed by this organization.
The purpose of such assessments is to identify the appropriate preventative and protective measures necessary, to comply with any relevant statutory, provision and to ensure the Health and Safety of our employees and other persons affected by Corporate Services activities.
No Health and Safety Policy is likely to be successful unless it actively involves all our staff. Safety improvement meetings will be held at each work location and the role of Safety Representatives is outlined in the Health and Safety Management system. In accordance with legal requirements. Safety Representatives shall be appointed at each main location and participate in the work of monitoring and improving safety in the workplace.
Corporate Services recognizes the need for Health and Safety Training to ensure that our employees are competent to perform their work without risks to themselves or others. Such training will be provided at induction and periodically during the period of employment.
Designated Health and Safety Managers or their deputy(s} are responsible for investigating and reporting the circumstances surrounding and causes of all incidents concerning personal injury, property damage, near-misses or non-conformance. Where necessary, they will be assisted by Senior Management and will provide assistance to independent accident investigators. An appropriate incident report, root cause analysis and WCA claim form must be completed for personal accidents. Copies of all reports should be sent to the safety officer or other designated person. In certain circumstances, external authority(s) may need to be advised. Full disclosure of all available information will be provided to them.
Copies of the policy shall be made available to all employees and displayed at all main locations. It shall be brought to the attention of all contractors, customers and visitors and be made available to any other interested party.
Corporate Services OHSA management Policy and OHSA performance will be continually reviewed and improved considering any legislative changes and/or needs of the organization. Where necessary, new Health and Safety objectives will be set and circulated to all main locations. All relevant Health and Safety stakeholders will be advised of any changes.
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